By filling out the form below and submitting it, you are acknowledging that you are over 18 years of age, and a consenting adult, and that you have filled the form out truthfully.

We will review your submission, and get back to you sometime within the next few days to further discuss your suspension. If you do not respond to our reply to your submission within 3-4 days, we will not prioritize your request, and focus on other inquiries first.

We prefer to book with a minimum of two week's (14 days) notice, but can accommodate for special circumstances.

Our rates depend on the type of suspension session you are selecting. After you submit the form, our response will include our prices, along with details pertinent to your inquiry.

Please enter your legal name when filling out the form. We will not share this information with the public. 

Contact Information
Medical Issues
If you have any medical conditions, including diseases, musculo-skeletal disorders, allergies, etc, please select "Yes" (this includes cat allergies)
Booking Dates
We are currently only booking private sessions. Open-to-public days will not be available until 2024.
We cannot guarantee a date until discussed further, but if you have a date that work best for you, we can do our best to make it happen.
Your Suspension


Please select a (single) position you would like to try suspending in. Feel free to let us know if you want a modified version of any of these positions - none of these are set in stone. This list is more of a guide to give you an idea of what is possible. Selecting a position will allow us to prepare for your experience accordingly, and help with initiating a better informed discussion. 

Please also note that the visual guide below is just a reference, and most of the names are outdated. 

Some very common positions are:
Upper Back

We cannot pick the position for you; this is your choice entirely.


Additional Info
You can only bring one friend to your session.
If you have any specific intentions, ideas, or general details about your suspension you would like us to know beforehand, please write a brief explanation here!